Artist Miranda Nostinneh

Basketry, pottery, beadwork, moccasins, leather work 

Hello, my name is Miranda Sally Nostinneh, I am from the Llanero clan of the Jicarilla Apache and Navajo. I am currently employed with the Jicarilla Apache Cultural Arts & Heritage Center. I work in many traditional art forms that include leather, beadwork, pottery and basketry. Basket making is my focus. My aspirations are for my people to continue to create and pass on to the next generation to come. My most impressive achievement are the huge baskets I have woven for the Jicarilla Apache Nation, the largest is the Jicarilla Apache Seal basket, 5 feet tall which sits in the tribal administrative building. The second is the seal of the Jicarilla Centennial basket, 36 “.  

Jicarilla Cultural Arts & Heritage Center
P.O. Box 507 
Dulce, New Mexico 87528

Highway 64 located next to the
Jicarilla Shopping Center at the
4 way stop

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
Weekend hours call for hours.

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Jicarilla Apache Nation Council
Jicarilla Apache Archives
Lorene Willis
Vernon Petago
Mary Velarde
Shelden Nunez-Velarde

Copyright 2023 Jicarilla Apache Cultural Arts and Heritage Center